Gardening Resources
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Below that you will see a web address. Click that to read about the topic.
Plant ID Apps
PlantNet free
iNaturalist free
Seek free
Google Lens free
PlantSnap $
Plantin (used for identifying diseases/pests) $
Picture This $
iNaturalist free
Seek free
Google Lens free
PlantSnap $
Plantin (used for identifying diseases/pests) $
Picture This $
Helpful lists for gardeners
Plants that provide structure:
Autumn snakeroots zones 4-8
Culver's root zones 3-8
Jersusalem sages zones 4-10
Joe Pye weeds zones 3-9
Meadow rues zones 5-9
Sea Holly zones 5-8
Queen of the prairie zones 3-9
Sages zones 5-9 (cutback for a 2nd crop of flowers)
Sea Lavender zones 4-9
Plants with attractive seed heads:
Asters zones 4-8
Bee balms zones 4-9
Burnets zones 3-8
Coneflowers zones 3-9
Goldenrods zones 5-9
Mountain fleece zones 5-8
Orpines zones 4-9
Purple coneflowers zones 3-9
Sneezeweed zones 4-8
Yellow wax-bells zones 5-8
Plants with a distinct winter shape:
** turns distinctive color in autumn or early winter
Eulalia grasses ** zones 4-9
Feather reed grasses zones 5-9
Fountain grasses zones 6-9
Prairie dropseeds ** zones 3-9
Purple moor grasses ** zones 5-9
Switch grasses ** zones 5-9
Tufted hair grasses ** zones 5-9
Autumn snakeroots zones 4-8
Culver's root zones 3-8
Jersusalem sages zones 4-10
Joe Pye weeds zones 3-9
Meadow rues zones 5-9
Sea Holly zones 5-8
Queen of the prairie zones 3-9
Sages zones 5-9 (cutback for a 2nd crop of flowers)
Sea Lavender zones 4-9
Plants with attractive seed heads:
Asters zones 4-8
Bee balms zones 4-9
Burnets zones 3-8
Coneflowers zones 3-9
Goldenrods zones 5-9
Mountain fleece zones 5-8
Orpines zones 4-9
Purple coneflowers zones 3-9
Sneezeweed zones 4-8
Yellow wax-bells zones 5-8
Plants with a distinct winter shape:
** turns distinctive color in autumn or early winter
Eulalia grasses ** zones 4-9
Feather reed grasses zones 5-9
Fountain grasses zones 6-9
Prairie dropseeds ** zones 3-9
Purple moor grasses ** zones 5-9
Switch grasses ** zones 5-9
Tufted hair grasses ** zones 5-9
Low Maintenance Plants for Low Maintenance Gardens
Bruce Crawford
Director, Rutgers Gardens
Amelanchier lamarckii - Serviceberry
Franklinia alatamaha - Franklin Tree
Poliothyrsis sinensis - Chinese Pearlbloom
Perennials and Shrubs
Carex cherokeensis - Cherokee Sedge
Carex morrowii ‘Ice Dance’ - Ice Dance Sedge
Carex oshimensis ‘Eversheen’ - Eversheen sedge
Delosperma’Ruby’ - Ruby Iceplant
Geranium x ‘Rozanne’ - Rozanne Cranesbill
Helleborus x hybridus - Lenten Rose
Hydrangea arborescens ‘Hass Halo’ - Hass Halo Smooth Hydrangea
Iris cristata ‘Powder Blue Giant’ - Crested Iris
Itea virginica ‘Henry’s Garnet’ - Virginia Sweetspire
Matteuccia struthiopteris - Ostrich Fern
Nepeta ‘Walkers Low’ - Catmint
Oenothera berlanderi ‘Siskiyou’ - Evening Primrose
Persicaria affinis - Himalayan Fleeceflower
Petasites japonicus - Fuki
Polygonatum odoratum ‘Variegatum’ - Variegated Solomon’s Seal
Rohdea japonica - Sacred Lily
Sarcococca hookeriana var. humilis - Sweetbox
Sporobolus heterolepis - Prairie Dropseed
Stephanandra incisa ‘Crispa’ - Cutleaf Stephanandra
Tiarella cordifolia ‘Running Tapestry’ - Foam Flower
Vaccinium angustifolium - Lowbush Blueberry
Xanthorhiza simplicissima - Yellowroot
Bruce Crawford
Director, Rutgers Gardens
Amelanchier lamarckii - Serviceberry
Franklinia alatamaha - Franklin Tree
Poliothyrsis sinensis - Chinese Pearlbloom
Perennials and Shrubs
Carex cherokeensis - Cherokee Sedge
Carex morrowii ‘Ice Dance’ - Ice Dance Sedge
Carex oshimensis ‘Eversheen’ - Eversheen sedge
Delosperma’Ruby’ - Ruby Iceplant
Geranium x ‘Rozanne’ - Rozanne Cranesbill
Helleborus x hybridus - Lenten Rose
Hydrangea arborescens ‘Hass Halo’ - Hass Halo Smooth Hydrangea
Iris cristata ‘Powder Blue Giant’ - Crested Iris
Itea virginica ‘Henry’s Garnet’ - Virginia Sweetspire
Matteuccia struthiopteris - Ostrich Fern
Nepeta ‘Walkers Low’ - Catmint
Oenothera berlanderi ‘Siskiyou’ - Evening Primrose
Persicaria affinis - Himalayan Fleeceflower
Petasites japonicus - Fuki
Polygonatum odoratum ‘Variegatum’ - Variegated Solomon’s Seal
Rohdea japonica - Sacred Lily
Sarcococca hookeriana var. humilis - Sweetbox
Sporobolus heterolepis - Prairie Dropseed
Stephanandra incisa ‘Crispa’ - Cutleaf Stephanandra
Tiarella cordifolia ‘Running Tapestry’ - Foam Flower
Vaccinium angustifolium - Lowbush Blueberry
Xanthorhiza simplicissima - Yellowroot